From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. June 30, 2005
I. Shake, shake, shake, wake up.
I'm going to say something I shouldn't say and would be better off leaving it alone, but shock effect or whatever it takes America needs to wake up. I'm going to say something super extreme even something like out of science fiction. It's going to be something Christianity needs to sit up and take note of.
It's going to be something that is already to some extent being played out on the world's stage. That something in my view is: "Islam may inherit western civilization." It could never take it by force. Whoa! My God! What an Idiotic thing to say, you must be insane. Calm down, calm down now, there is a logical reason I said that.
The reason I said that is because I believe the only thing that can save western civilization at this late stage is western governments must be privatized out of their super family provider role, which, I don't believe will ever happen. I don't believe nothing else will save us. Today, any things go and there is almost no respect for authority in most of our young. The prison is overflowing because of very little instilled self restraint and self discipline.
Our nuclear family system and strong moral value system are shot all to hell. Struggle and problems is part of life and would be the least of my worries if we had a strong nuclear family system. With a strong nuclear family system in place a nation can survive almost anything, otherwise it can't survive when hard times come. That is why I preach, stump, yell, cry, turn flips, and yes, try to shock you awake.
The economy is so out of balanced that there is no way we can survive much longer with government as a super provider. The liberals and people with little wisdom think I'm negative, extreme, crazy, and nutty, out of touch, right wing, and on and on. They may be partial right; I may be all of the above to some degree. But, the real problem may be that I'm cursed with great wisdom and can easily see the indelible hand writing on the wall.
Sure, I may be going somewhat overboard but it's best to be safe than sorry. To those that read this, please forgive me if I'm going nutty right before your eyes. This is the only country that I know and love so help me God. Sure, the liberals love this country as much as I do in their own way, but they are shallow and don’t know it. They are trying to brand others as extremists and right wingers when their do good feel good policies have all but destroyed our culture.
Unknowingly they and big media will deliver the coup de grace to this country unless radical steps are taken. It's time for those with the wisdom and the power to grab the reins before we all go over the cliff. May the grace of God be with us?Updated July 03, 2005II. Can the USA survive hard times?I believe the greatest threat of all to our survival that started with the new deal is the questionable ability to feed ourselves in time of an extended crisis.
All of this importing and big centralized factory farming is a proven long term failure like in former Soviet Union. The environment can't handle that much waste in one location, plus it takes a lot of fuel made from oil to transport the food to the consumer.
Many, many small farmers and home gardeners is the only guaranteed way to survive when hard times come for the simple reason the food is not so far away from the consumers. Sooner or later hard times will come is a law of nature. To be honest I don't think we can feed ourselves through an extended calamity or severe crisis, but I hope I'm wrong. May the grace of God be with us?
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. June 16, 2005I. Do big media have a socialist agenda?
Folks, I'm just a writer and I keep my own counsel. All I know is what I see on the TV. News and what I read in the newspaper. But, I have enough common sense to know that this country runs on oil. Oil and the things that are made from oil is the economy, period. I hear this talk of weak knees wanting to buckle or cut and run.
Wake up America, put two and two together, the vehicles we drive won't run without gas made from oil. To put it bluntly, we as a nation can't survive without our overseas supply of oil, period. If we cut and run and our overseas supply of oil is disrupted then we can't feed ourselves, the economy will collapse and we will be doomed. The fact is, we have people that all they know is to blame and complain and don't have the slightest idea what the true facts are.
Expecting big media to inform and educate the public step by step on the role oil plays in our survival is a lost cause today. They are too busy standing on the sideline as a cheer leading squad wanting drama and conflict to hype and cheer on their partisan agenda. While the country is falling down all around us, there they are obviously defending a socialist agenda in the form of our huge welfare state.
I don't know? Who knows? Maybe they are just plain shallow from lack of any hardship and struggle in their life and can't see the forest for the trees. Lord helps us.PS: Of course, not all news people or news outlets fit this description.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. June 04, 2005I. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.
To all of you folks complaining that we can't get the government to take a stand against illegal immigration or the destruction of traditional values, you got your priorities all backward. The fact is we as voting tax paying citizens are no longer calling the shots like in the days of old. In seventy years the liberals with their free tax payer giveaways have reduced the general public’s proud independent frontier like spirit to a nation of do-for-me dependents.
Layer by layer the liberals to buy votes have created this great white father super provider government we have today. In the process tax paying citizens have lost their power and right to call the shots. The real power to call the shots is always in the hands of whoever controls the family provider role. The family provider role is now firmly in the control of big government, local, state, and federal, not in the control of the traditional male provider.
Now, big government takes what it wants and doesn't have to beg the tax payers like in the days of old. This government and constitution was designed for government to be dependent on the people for its financial survival, not the other way around with the people dependent on the government for their own financial survival.
The voting public must be willing to elect people who will privatize big government out of its provider role, otherwise, I say, just shut the hell up and keep on dancing to the tune. Ain't nothing gonna change because big government is going to first look out for its own self interest and consolidate its power to keep calling the shots, period.
Today, the 10th amendment to the US Constitution is marked N/A (not applicable). All of the complaining and other stuff are like whistling Dixie or spitting against the wind. "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts." You have the right to disagree with what I've said. Yes, I said some shocking things, but they needed to be said. Glory is to God. Amen.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 27, 2005I. "When to hold them, when to fold them."
In my sixty two years of experience I've found no matter how bad it may be, it is still best to face the music come hell or high waters. Most of the time you win, but some time you lose. "No guts, no glory. Stay the course. Keep the faith. Keep on keeping on. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The darkest time is just before dawn. Quitters don't win and winner don’t quit. If you don't stand for something you can fall for anything. Glory is to God."
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 24, 2005I. The filibuster cannot survive.
The senate will end up just like the house because it has become just as politicized. The senate was designed to be an appointed body. It was designed for two senators to be appointed from each state to deter politicization from the ebb and flow of self-interest groups. Sure, there were power struggles within the individual states on who would be appointed, but nothing compared to what we have now on a national scale.
If senators were still appointed they wouldn't have to raise money for re-elections, cater to lobbyist, or pay attention to special interest groups. Plus, those were the days before we had a big government super provider. It mattered very little if they filibustered the entire few months they met each year because hardly anybody was dependent on the government for anything. Today, things are vastly different.
Note: Today what is even more politicized is the judicial confirmation process. The constitution and judicial qualification have taken a back seat to self interest political power.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 06, 2005I. The immigration symptom.
I get so sick and tired of people thinking the immigration problem can be solved with quick fixes. The immigration problem is actually a symptom not the cause. The cause of the immigration problem is our welfare state. In my view it is a foregone conclusion the United States and most of Western Europe is down the tube unless they privatize out of their super family provider role.
Nothing else is going to restore strong values and the nuclear family system to survive hard times. Otherwise, when hard times hit people are going to be at each others throat, they are going to be rioting in the streets, it going to be the survival of the meanest and the baddest. Government as a super provider has conditioned the masses to be dependent on government as the great provider and savior instead of believing in individual accountability.
When faced with hunger and other survival threats a society without a strong value and nuclear family system cannot be controlled, except with the gun, period. Folks, my role is only to warn, ain't nobody listing, but, it is a lot later than we think. Sure, you may disagree, but you can't logical prove me wrong.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 05, 2005I. William E. B. Du bois versus Booker T. Washington.
The old Du bois versus Booker T. Washington two schools of thought still haven't been settled and probably never will. Washington believed that African Americans should take the self reliance route and focus first on learning the basic trade vocations to feed and control their own destiny. He didn't put a priority on integration.
On the other hand, Du bois disagreed openly with Washington and believed that African Americans should not be limited in anyway. Du bois believed that blacks should go the full integration route and focus on the best education possibly. In my view the Du bois way was the right way in theory and it won out on the course blacks should take even to today. But, as any scientist will tell you what works in theory doesn't necessarily work in practice.
In almost all cases for any race to improve overall it must be pulled up from the top because those are the ones with the education and resources to make it happen. For many races there are no color differences, that way they can blend in and move into the mainstream very easily, no problem. But, for African Americans the norm doesn’t work in practice. The two main drawbacks are color difference and African American culture.
In my view the biggest failure to uplift African Americans have been the black elite by deserting the black community. Sure, crime and drugs are the excuse now, but that started long before crime and drugs were a big problem; just remember the movie "A rising in the sun." I understand safety and the need for a pecking order, but blacks could establish middle and upper class zones in or on the edge of black communities if they wanted to.
Also, blacks should open businesses and invest back in their own communities like all other races, but it’s not happening on a large scale. I think It's something a lot deeper here that African Americans need to face and accept. I think African Americans as a race are still running away from themselves and their communities. I don't think African Americans as a whole respect themselves unconditional as individuals and as a race with all the flaws and blemishes, unconditionally.
I don't think most blacks have a do-for-your-self independent mentality that will make you respect yourself and people that look like you. I think we as blacks need to face and accept one another with pride and nothing to prove, flawed and scarred but as good as anybody or any race, period. "We don't need a ticket to ride, or to qualify, no one asked to be born, just forgive and accept the past and move on."
Do-for-your-self people don't worry about imaginary threats from the past or empty symbolisms; they are too busy working to live a proud independent dignified life. No one can truly accept and respect you unless you first accept and respect yourself, unconditionally. The color different won't let blacks just blend into the mainstream unnoticed, plus, there is an unspoken negative stereotypical image of blacks as a whole.
That unspoken image associates blacks as a whole with property devalue, social baggage, crime, and a few other negative stereotypes. Still, genes are getting through because in my view big booties are no longer limited to African Americans. The culture drawback is, far too many African Americans still unconsciously believe the old black stereotype that black is inferior (that the white man's beer is colder).
Far too many blacks still see other blacks as competitors and the enemy in winning mainstream approval. For that reason we tend not to support one another as a whole in business in the black communities like back in the nineteen forties and fifties.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 01, 2005I. It's all about control.
It is natural for everyone to want to be in control so they can control their own destiny, but Mother Nature didn't design it that way. Mother Nature paired control with power. It doesn't necessarily have to be raw physical power, but control needs some type of power to be effective. An old wise saying is: "When you educate a man you educate one man, but when you educate a woman you educate a family and future generations."
No one determines the health of a society more than the mom's. Men are geared primarily to be hunter, providers, and disciplinarians. There is something terrible wrong with a society when most of the mom's are not staying home raising and shaping future generations, and we wonder why the prison population is growing out of control? I don't need a poll; I have the wisdom to tell you why so many are going to prison.
The primary reasons so many are going to prison are lack of respect for authority, lack of self restraint, and lack of self discipline due to no strong man in the home. It all starts in the home. Young people need to learn early when you break the rules there will be swift and sure consequences.
I. Shake, shake, shake, wake up.
I'm going to say something I shouldn't say and would be better off leaving it alone, but shock effect or whatever it takes America needs to wake up. I'm going to say something super extreme even something like out of science fiction. It's going to be something Christianity needs to sit up and take note of.
It's going to be something that is already to some extent being played out on the world's stage. That something in my view is: "Islam may inherit western civilization." It could never take it by force. Whoa! My God! What an Idiotic thing to say, you must be insane. Calm down, calm down now, there is a logical reason I said that.
The reason I said that is because I believe the only thing that can save western civilization at this late stage is western governments must be privatized out of their super family provider role, which, I don't believe will ever happen. I don't believe nothing else will save us. Today, any things go and there is almost no respect for authority in most of our young. The prison is overflowing because of very little instilled self restraint and self discipline.
Our nuclear family system and strong moral value system are shot all to hell. Struggle and problems is part of life and would be the least of my worries if we had a strong nuclear family system. With a strong nuclear family system in place a nation can survive almost anything, otherwise it can't survive when hard times come. That is why I preach, stump, yell, cry, turn flips, and yes, try to shock you awake.
The economy is so out of balanced that there is no way we can survive much longer with government as a super provider. The liberals and people with little wisdom think I'm negative, extreme, crazy, and nutty, out of touch, right wing, and on and on. They may be partial right; I may be all of the above to some degree. But, the real problem may be that I'm cursed with great wisdom and can easily see the indelible hand writing on the wall.
Sure, I may be going somewhat overboard but it's best to be safe than sorry. To those that read this, please forgive me if I'm going nutty right before your eyes. This is the only country that I know and love so help me God. Sure, the liberals love this country as much as I do in their own way, but they are shallow and don’t know it. They are trying to brand others as extremists and right wingers when their do good feel good policies have all but destroyed our culture.
Unknowingly they and big media will deliver the coup de grace to this country unless radical steps are taken. It's time for those with the wisdom and the power to grab the reins before we all go over the cliff. May the grace of God be with us?Updated July 03, 2005II. Can the USA survive hard times?I believe the greatest threat of all to our survival that started with the new deal is the questionable ability to feed ourselves in time of an extended crisis.
All of this importing and big centralized factory farming is a proven long term failure like in former Soviet Union. The environment can't handle that much waste in one location, plus it takes a lot of fuel made from oil to transport the food to the consumer.
Many, many small farmers and home gardeners is the only guaranteed way to survive when hard times come for the simple reason the food is not so far away from the consumers. Sooner or later hard times will come is a law of nature. To be honest I don't think we can feed ourselves through an extended calamity or severe crisis, but I hope I'm wrong. May the grace of God be with us?
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. June 16, 2005I. Do big media have a socialist agenda?
Folks, I'm just a writer and I keep my own counsel. All I know is what I see on the TV. News and what I read in the newspaper. But, I have enough common sense to know that this country runs on oil. Oil and the things that are made from oil is the economy, period. I hear this talk of weak knees wanting to buckle or cut and run.
Wake up America, put two and two together, the vehicles we drive won't run without gas made from oil. To put it bluntly, we as a nation can't survive without our overseas supply of oil, period. If we cut and run and our overseas supply of oil is disrupted then we can't feed ourselves, the economy will collapse and we will be doomed. The fact is, we have people that all they know is to blame and complain and don't have the slightest idea what the true facts are.
Expecting big media to inform and educate the public step by step on the role oil plays in our survival is a lost cause today. They are too busy standing on the sideline as a cheer leading squad wanting drama and conflict to hype and cheer on their partisan agenda. While the country is falling down all around us, there they are obviously defending a socialist agenda in the form of our huge welfare state.
I don't know? Who knows? Maybe they are just plain shallow from lack of any hardship and struggle in their life and can't see the forest for the trees. Lord helps us.PS: Of course, not all news people or news outlets fit this description.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. June 04, 2005I. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.
To all of you folks complaining that we can't get the government to take a stand against illegal immigration or the destruction of traditional values, you got your priorities all backward. The fact is we as voting tax paying citizens are no longer calling the shots like in the days of old. In seventy years the liberals with their free tax payer giveaways have reduced the general public’s proud independent frontier like spirit to a nation of do-for-me dependents.
Layer by layer the liberals to buy votes have created this great white father super provider government we have today. In the process tax paying citizens have lost their power and right to call the shots. The real power to call the shots is always in the hands of whoever controls the family provider role. The family provider role is now firmly in the control of big government, local, state, and federal, not in the control of the traditional male provider.
Now, big government takes what it wants and doesn't have to beg the tax payers like in the days of old. This government and constitution was designed for government to be dependent on the people for its financial survival, not the other way around with the people dependent on the government for their own financial survival.
The voting public must be willing to elect people who will privatize big government out of its provider role, otherwise, I say, just shut the hell up and keep on dancing to the tune. Ain't nothing gonna change because big government is going to first look out for its own self interest and consolidate its power to keep calling the shots, period.
Today, the 10th amendment to the US Constitution is marked N/A (not applicable). All of the complaining and other stuff are like whistling Dixie or spitting against the wind. "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts." You have the right to disagree with what I've said. Yes, I said some shocking things, but they needed to be said. Glory is to God. Amen.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 27, 2005I. "When to hold them, when to fold them."
In my sixty two years of experience I've found no matter how bad it may be, it is still best to face the music come hell or high waters. Most of the time you win, but some time you lose. "No guts, no glory. Stay the course. Keep the faith. Keep on keeping on. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The darkest time is just before dawn. Quitters don't win and winner don’t quit. If you don't stand for something you can fall for anything. Glory is to God."
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 24, 2005I. The filibuster cannot survive.
The senate will end up just like the house because it has become just as politicized. The senate was designed to be an appointed body. It was designed for two senators to be appointed from each state to deter politicization from the ebb and flow of self-interest groups. Sure, there were power struggles within the individual states on who would be appointed, but nothing compared to what we have now on a national scale.
If senators were still appointed they wouldn't have to raise money for re-elections, cater to lobbyist, or pay attention to special interest groups. Plus, those were the days before we had a big government super provider. It mattered very little if they filibustered the entire few months they met each year because hardly anybody was dependent on the government for anything. Today, things are vastly different.
Note: Today what is even more politicized is the judicial confirmation process. The constitution and judicial qualification have taken a back seat to self interest political power.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 06, 2005I. The immigration symptom.
I get so sick and tired of people thinking the immigration problem can be solved with quick fixes. The immigration problem is actually a symptom not the cause. The cause of the immigration problem is our welfare state. In my view it is a foregone conclusion the United States and most of Western Europe is down the tube unless they privatize out of their super family provider role.
Nothing else is going to restore strong values and the nuclear family system to survive hard times. Otherwise, when hard times hit people are going to be at each others throat, they are going to be rioting in the streets, it going to be the survival of the meanest and the baddest. Government as a super provider has conditioned the masses to be dependent on government as the great provider and savior instead of believing in individual accountability.
When faced with hunger and other survival threats a society without a strong value and nuclear family system cannot be controlled, except with the gun, period. Folks, my role is only to warn, ain't nobody listing, but, it is a lot later than we think. Sure, you may disagree, but you can't logical prove me wrong.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 05, 2005I. William E. B. Du bois versus Booker T. Washington.
The old Du bois versus Booker T. Washington two schools of thought still haven't been settled and probably never will. Washington believed that African Americans should take the self reliance route and focus first on learning the basic trade vocations to feed and control their own destiny. He didn't put a priority on integration.
On the other hand, Du bois disagreed openly with Washington and believed that African Americans should not be limited in anyway. Du bois believed that blacks should go the full integration route and focus on the best education possibly. In my view the Du bois way was the right way in theory and it won out on the course blacks should take even to today. But, as any scientist will tell you what works in theory doesn't necessarily work in practice.
In almost all cases for any race to improve overall it must be pulled up from the top because those are the ones with the education and resources to make it happen. For many races there are no color differences, that way they can blend in and move into the mainstream very easily, no problem. But, for African Americans the norm doesn’t work in practice. The two main drawbacks are color difference and African American culture.
In my view the biggest failure to uplift African Americans have been the black elite by deserting the black community. Sure, crime and drugs are the excuse now, but that started long before crime and drugs were a big problem; just remember the movie "A rising in the sun." I understand safety and the need for a pecking order, but blacks could establish middle and upper class zones in or on the edge of black communities if they wanted to.
Also, blacks should open businesses and invest back in their own communities like all other races, but it’s not happening on a large scale. I think It's something a lot deeper here that African Americans need to face and accept. I think African Americans as a race are still running away from themselves and their communities. I don't think African Americans as a whole respect themselves unconditional as individuals and as a race with all the flaws and blemishes, unconditionally.
I don't think most blacks have a do-for-your-self independent mentality that will make you respect yourself and people that look like you. I think we as blacks need to face and accept one another with pride and nothing to prove, flawed and scarred but as good as anybody or any race, period. "We don't need a ticket to ride, or to qualify, no one asked to be born, just forgive and accept the past and move on."
Do-for-your-self people don't worry about imaginary threats from the past or empty symbolisms; they are too busy working to live a proud independent dignified life. No one can truly accept and respect you unless you first accept and respect yourself, unconditionally. The color different won't let blacks just blend into the mainstream unnoticed, plus, there is an unspoken negative stereotypical image of blacks as a whole.
That unspoken image associates blacks as a whole with property devalue, social baggage, crime, and a few other negative stereotypes. Still, genes are getting through because in my view big booties are no longer limited to African Americans. The culture drawback is, far too many African Americans still unconsciously believe the old black stereotype that black is inferior (that the white man's beer is colder).
Far too many blacks still see other blacks as competitors and the enemy in winning mainstream approval. For that reason we tend not to support one another as a whole in business in the black communities like back in the nineteen forties and fifties.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. May 01, 2005I. It's all about control.
It is natural for everyone to want to be in control so they can control their own destiny, but Mother Nature didn't design it that way. Mother Nature paired control with power. It doesn't necessarily have to be raw physical power, but control needs some type of power to be effective. An old wise saying is: "When you educate a man you educate one man, but when you educate a woman you educate a family and future generations."
No one determines the health of a society more than the mom's. Men are geared primarily to be hunter, providers, and disciplinarians. There is something terrible wrong with a society when most of the mom's are not staying home raising and shaping future generations, and we wonder why the prison population is growing out of control? I don't need a poll; I have the wisdom to tell you why so many are going to prison.
The primary reasons so many are going to prison are lack of respect for authority, lack of self restraint, and lack of self discipline due to no strong man in the home. It all starts in the home. Young people need to learn early when you break the rules there will be swift and sure consequences.
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